Kavanah Kards were listed among the resources, and several organizers requested them for their event.
One of the women I spoke with said something that struck a cord which prompted this blog post. She said that without the meaning conveyed to our religious lives, we risk falling into "conveyor belt" Judaism--going through the motions like so many around us, but without the heart.
What a striking concept! It really spoke to me.
In truth, this is exactly what Mindful Mitzvahs and Kavanah Kards is all about--elevating the mundane and giving it "heart".
It's a simple concept. Every day for the next 40 days:
1. Say the Daily Kavanah Declaration every morning to declare your intentions when saying Hashem's names throughout the day.
2. Focus on the meanings of Hashem's names as given on Kavanah Kards as often as possible.
3. Think or say as often as you can before a doing mitzvah, "I am fulfilling the mitzvah of ____, as Hashem commanded"
4. Thank Hashem for your problems, acknowledging thereby that, while you don't know why you need this problem, Hashem, Who is perfect and does everything for your best through His love for you, knows why you need it, and you are declaring your faith in Him.
5. Whenever you feel you need to, do teshuva for anything you thought or did that didn't model the above.
Imagine the ripple effect throughout Klal for every person who does this--who lives Torah and their relationship with Hashem dynamically and mindfully, instead of living "conveyer belt" Judaism.
Download the Mindful Mitzvahs pamphlet to help and inspire you .