You can also download this list below to use to get complete schar
Simply think or say "I am fulfilling the mitzvahs of.... (list all the ones you want) AS HASHEM COMMANDED" for great schar with just one act!
Simply think or say "I am fulfilling the mitzvahs of.... (list all the ones you want) AS HASHEM COMMANDED" for great schar with just one act!
mitzvah tzirichas Kavanah
Ain Od Milvado
kavei el Hashem (asking Hashem’s help to be able to do it)
Tzedaka (for any money you spend or donate)
Maiser (of your time for Hashem)
v'ahavta l'rayecha k’mocha (loving your neighbor as yourself)
Giving Hashem nachas ruach (joy)
Emunah & Bitachon
Wanting to find favor in Hashem’s eyes
Wanting to love Hashem through sharing them
Doing my actions for Hashem’s sake
Doing this mitzvah with a full heart
Halachta Bidrachav (walking in Hashem’s ways)
Serving Hashem with my emotions and intellect
Loving Hashem b'chol me'odecha (with all your possessions)
Keeping my promise/commitment
Doing my hishtadlus
L'hodos u'l'hallel es Hashem (you will receive many brachos to thank & praise Hashem for)
Hashechina sharuya (Hashem’s shechina can dwell here through your mitzvah)
Hakores hatov (gratitude for being able to help others & for all the brachos you and they receive)
Coming closer to Hashem
Helping others come closer to Hashem
Feeling obligated to Haashem
kibud av v’aime (if applies: can dedicate mitzvah or donation to also be zechus for parents)
Ahavas Yisroel
Ahavas chinum
Kol Yisroel arevim zeh l'zeh
Chayecha kodmin - your own life takes precedence (for building your own olam haba)
Devoting this act to Hashem’s name
For Jewish married people: Creating a deera b'tachtonim
Ain Od Milvado
kavei el Hashem (asking Hashem’s help to be able to do it)
Tzedaka (for any money you spend or donate)
Maiser (of your time for Hashem)
v'ahavta l'rayecha k’mocha (loving your neighbor as yourself)
Giving Hashem nachas ruach (joy)
Emunah & Bitachon
Wanting to find favor in Hashem’s eyes
Wanting to love Hashem through sharing them
Doing my actions for Hashem’s sake
Doing this mitzvah with a full heart
Halachta Bidrachav (walking in Hashem’s ways)
Serving Hashem with my emotions and intellect
Loving Hashem b'chol me'odecha (with all your possessions)
Keeping my promise/commitment
Doing my hishtadlus
L'hodos u'l'hallel es Hashem (you will receive many brachos to thank & praise Hashem for)
Hashechina sharuya (Hashem’s shechina can dwell here through your mitzvah)
Hakores hatov (gratitude for being able to help others & for all the brachos you and they receive)
Coming closer to Hashem
Helping others come closer to Hashem
Feeling obligated to Haashem
kibud av v’aime (if applies: can dedicate mitzvah or donation to also be zechus for parents)
Ahavas Yisroel
Ahavas chinum
Kol Yisroel arevim zeh l'zeh
Chayecha kodmin - your own life takes precedence (for building your own olam haba)
Devoting this act to Hashem’s name
For Jewish married people: Creating a deera b'tachtonim
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